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Veronica Davis is a woman with a desperate need.
If she doesn't bring a date to her big sister's wedding, the L for loser that's imprinted on her forehead will become permanent, as far as her family is concerned. And heck, she's started to believe it, herself.
Why else would a girl end up at a Los Angeles escort agency with the strange acronym V.A.M.P. Inc? Where you pick your date from a row of coffins in the agency's basement. Guys who can't meet you at lunch time, due to the fact that they sleep until sundown.
You know . . . . vampires.
And when she meets the unearthly handsome Christian Dale, the agency's odd acronym begins to take on a whole new meaning. Tackling her sister's wedding actually starts to seem like a piece of cake . .
Excerpt... |
The hallways got even dimmer as they walked. Veronica trailed several steps behind Cynthia, noticing that there weren’t any windows in these hallways, and that what light there was came from lamps on tables, where lavish silk floral arrangements mirrored the tasteful carpet colors.
“I’m a bit nervous,” Veronica confessed, growing stiffer by the second and wondering if the darkness hid skid marks — in the direction of the street.
“Sorry about the short notice, Cynthia,” she added. “I understand completely if you’re booked up.”
In fact, she was praying they would be all booked up, politely, without moving her lips. She hoped this was a gross inconvenience, and vowed to play along for only a few more minutes before getting the heck out of there.
“Oh, I think you’ll be happy to hear we have eight for you to choose from,” Cynthia said, bursting the hasty retreat bubble. Veronica could have sworn she heard a big popping noise.
“Eight?” she croaked. “Choose from?”
“I’ll show them to you now,” Cynthia said over her shoulder.
“Show them to me?” Veronica repeated.
“Annie did mention that you get to choose your escort?”
When Cynthia started walking again, Veronica couldn’t pry her knees apart to follow. Sensing the hesitation, and with that real keen insight really good salespeople have, Cynthia paused again, and smiled.
“They’re just down these steps. I’ll be with you all the way.”
“You mean you have them here? Waiting? In person?”
Could the guys here really turn out to be in cages? A rippling-muscled, highly tanned all male lineup? Maybe milling about on sofas? In thongs?
Although the panic of the situation remained, it hovered less obtrusively all of sudden.
“The eight I’ll show you are all extraordinary individuals,” Cynthia continued. “You can’t go wrong with any of them, really. However, I have one in particular in mind. I won’t point him out, though. I wouldn’t want to influence you in any way, when attraction is such a personal thing.”
Well certainly Cynthia couldn’t have pointed him out, Veronica thought. Wouldn’t that have been rude, in front of the other seven guys standing or lounging around?
She moved after her hostess on a wide staircase that curved downward. If they were heading for a basement, it would be the first one Veronica had ever seen in California, and she’d been born and raised there. Los Angelinos were sun people, not prone to frequenting dark, moldy, windowless places.
Experiencing a chill at the thought of “subterranean” Veronica tried out her reasoning skills. Question one: Why would guys be waiting for anything . . . in a basement?
Oddly enough, no answer sprang to mind.
Linda Thomas-Sundstrom |
Welcome to the world of paranormal dating, where you just never know what will happen or who might turn up.
This book was so much fun to write, and is dedicated to every woman who has ever dated, whether they remember these dates fondly or not. It's fluffy, "girly" fun, and packed with loads of good Karma for readers, just in case dating is still in your cards.
Linda Thomas-Sundstrom, is the author of contemporary and historical paranormal romance novels for Kensington Brava, Dorchester, and Harlequin Nocturne.
Visit Linda at www.lindathomas-sundstrom.com